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Remembering: outdoors escape in Hyvärilä youth centre

Step one complete!

Loistavaa! Löysit kartan ja skannasit tunnisteen - ensimmäinen vihje ratkaistu! Seuraava tehtävä on avattu ratkaistavaksi. Kuinka monta miestä joudutte menettämään? Avaa seuraava tehtävä heti https://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/en/activities/12804https://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/claim?code=b1318129-73bf-470c-885c-36282ec5a605
Well done! You found the map and scanned the tag - first clue solved! Next task is now open for you to solve. How many men you will lose? Next task is herehttps://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/en/activities/12804 https://nurmes.cityoflearning.eu/claim?code=b1318129-73bf-470c-885c-36282ec5a605
Task no.1
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Remembering: outdoors escape in Hyvärilä youth centre
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union