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Arhitektura mehkobe V | Delavnica sodobnega plesa

Arhitektura mehkobe V | Delavnica sodobnega plesa

Prejemnik te značke se je udeležil ene delavnice sodobnega plesa Arhitektura mehkobe. Na delavnici smo se skozi plesni klas posvetili obujanju mehkega, gibkega telesa, ki zlahka spreminja svojo orientacijo v prostoru in prehaja skozenj. Raziskovali smo načela učinkovite rabe in prenosa kinetične energije v gibanju ter s tem razvijali prilagodljivo, odzivno telo. S pozornostjo na notranjo arhitekturo telesa smo ustvarjali senzorično podlago in jo kasneje prenesli v kontekst širšega prostora, ki postane sferičen, spodaj in zgoraj pa zamenljiva, ter na ta način vstopali v kompleksnejše gibalne elemente ter dinamičen plesni material.

The earner of this badge has participated in one of the Architecture of Softness contemporary dance workshops. In the workshop we have been focusing on reclaiming a soft, movable body that effortlessly traverses through space and morphs its orientation in it. We have been looking at principles of efficient use and transmission of kinetic energy in motion and training an adaptable, responsive body. Through focusing on a sensorial experience and tuning into our internal architecture we have established a sensorial base from which we have transferred acquired movement qualities into the context of external space, which becomes spherical, up and down interchangeable. In this way we have been entering into more complex movement patterns and dynamic dance material.
You have to finish 1 task to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Sodeluj v aktivnosti - javi, da si se delavnice udeležil/a.
Participate in activity - let us verify you were here.
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Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Prosimo pošlji kratek feedback o delavnici - tvojo izkušnjo, misli, vtise, morebitne uvide in/ali težave, predloge/želje za prihodnje delavnice. Veseli bova tvojih povratnih informacij!
Please send a short feedback about the workshop - your overall experience, thoughts, impressions, potential insights and/or difficulties, propositions/wishes for the future. We're glad to hear from you!
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#teach dance
#movement techniques
#movement methods
#practice dance moves
#inspire dance participants to improve
#inspire enthusiasm for dance
#have spatial awareness
#harmonise body movements
#direct movement experiences
#maintain dance training
#human anatomy
#move bodies
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union