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Shifting Roots - Alegado Movement Language Workshop in Ljubljana

Shifting Roots - Alegado Movement Language Workshop in Ljubljana

Shifting Roots - Alegado Movement Language Workshop in Ljubljana

May 13th - 15th, 2022
Plesno gledališka dvorana SVŠGUGL, Kardeljeva ploščad 28a, Ljubljana

  • Friday
16:30 - 18:30 Advanced level
18:45 - 20:45 Intermediate level
  • Saturday & Sunday
10:30 - 13:00 Advanced level
13:30 - 15:30 Intermediate level

Application: https://forms.gle/54yqe1ejRCyWyc4k9
Application deadline: May 9th

Joe Alegado has been a member and soloist of the Ballet Hispanico of NYC, Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensemble and the José Limón Dance Company performing around the world in some of the most famous dance works in the Modern dance repertory. He has traveled extensively throughout Europe and the World, teaching and choreographing in diverse festivals, studios, institutions and dance companies. He is one of the original faculty members of ImPulsTanz Festival Workshops. Even though his main focus is his teaching, his choreographic creations around Europe and beyond have served as a source of inspiration for a dance training methodology which uses the performance stage as a reference point in which to direct the flow, energy and intent of the class process. From the early years of teaching Limon Technique, to the present fusion of his own personal movement language, his work has metamorphosed from the unique expression of the fundamental principles of Limon's work, to the creation of his own class methodology: Shifting Roots – the Alegado Movement Language.

"All my teaching reflects a dedication to establishing our relationship to the earth and to the roots necessary to anchor our freedom of movement. My desire is to have the students experience how this connection can influence how we initiate and attack our movement as well as how we can discover the very important transitions of weight, so important in our dance training. Coordination, rhythm, focus and, above all, honesty in movement, will be some of our goals. In advanced level the principles of movement are taken to a higher, more complex level of coordination of hands, arms, legs, and torso as well as rhythmic changes, weight shifts and dynamic transitions. Embracing the search for a connection to the earth, allows us the possibility, the potential to reach upward to heights always necessary when our goal is to achieve high performance level dance training."

Advanced level (3 days): 95,00 eur
Intermediate level (3 days): 90,00 eur
Both levels (3 days): 140,00 eur
Single class (possible first two days): 35,00 eur

Info: svobodni.ples@gmail.com
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Shifting Roots - Alegado Movement Language Workshop in Ljubljana
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union