1.1: Making splashes P.1

The student can move the hands up and down without stopping until the teacher says so.

Make splashes
The students sit on the edge of the swimming pool. They make bubbles and splashes with their hands by softly hitting the water or swirling their legs around. If the children are comfortable with the splashes you can try to let them make bigger ones.

Splashes with the hands:

Splashes with the legs:

Bucket splash
Fill a bucket with water and slowly pour the water over their heads. When you pour it over their head you will say: Blink, blink, blink. This is because almost every student doesn’t like water in their eyes. Children will rub their eyes in order to get rid of the water, but that won’t work. That’s why we want to teach them to blink when they have water in their eyes.

Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
The teacher must show that he is able to instruct a student this exercise on video.
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R4L Kilian
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
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