You(th)App and Cities of Learning

Color me ... INTRIGUED

Recipient of this badge has attended the You(th)App and Cities of learning workshop shere:
  • Explored traditional and 21st century learning pathways
  • Got familiarised with basic Learning to learn concepts
  • Learned what Cities of Learning are.
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Share with us 1-3 things you remember form the 1st part of the workshop. Help yourself with the following questions:
  • What is learning for you?
  • How do 21st century learning pathways look like and how have they changed?
  • How do you learn best?
  • What is 1 thing you had to unlearn in your life, to become open for new opportunities?
  • How would you describe Cities of learning in 1 sentence?
Einloggen und Mission starten


You(th)App and Cities of Learning
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