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Divje ptice | Wild Birds
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15 Jan, 10:00
Arts et culture
Arhitektura mehkobe IV | Delavnica sodobnega plesa
Divje ptice | Wild Birds
#movement techniques, #movement methods, #harmonise body movements, #direct movement experiences, #dance, #teach dance, #maintain dance training, #human anatomy, #have spatial awareness, #inspire enthusiasm for dance, #inspire dance participants to improve, #practice dance moves, #move bodies
19 Feb, 10:00
Arts et culture
Divje ptice | Wild Birds
#dance, #teach dance, #movement techniques, #movement methods, #practice dance moves, #inspire dance participants to improve, #inspire enthusiasm for dance, #have spatial awareness, #harmonise body movements, #direct movement experiences, #maintain dance training, #human anatomy, #move bodies
19 Mar, 10:00
Arts et culture
Divje ptice | Wild Birds
#dance, #teach dance, #practice dance moves, #human anatomy, #inspire enthusiasm for dance, #inspire dance participants to improve, #maintain dance training, #movement techniques, #movement methods, #harmonise body movements, #direct movement experiences, #have spatial awareness, #move bodies
Divje ptice | Wild Birds
#movement methods, #inspire enthusiasm for dance, #have spatial awareness, #practice dance moves, #harmonise body movements, #movement techniques, #direct movement experiences, #maintain dance training, #dance, #human anatomy, #move bodies, #teach dance, #inspire dance participants to improve
29 Jan, 10:00
Arts et culture
Divje ptice | Wild Birds
#dance, #teach dance, #maintain dance training, #inspire enthusiasm for dance, #practice dance moves, #inspire dance participants to improve, #movement techniques, #harmonise body movements, #human anatomy, #direct movement experiences, #move bodies, #have spatial awareness, #movement methods
Badgecraft héberge et développe cette plateforme avec les principaux organismes d'éducation. La première version de cette plateforme a été cofinancée par Erasmus +, programme de l'Union européenne. Contactez-nous à : support@badgecraft.eu .
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Cofinancé par Erasmus+, programme de l'Union Européenne