Get to know Art

Get to know Art

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The Get to art-Playlist lets you actively participate in art as well as experience art as a participant. You will do a simple research into one artist or group of artists and you will share your experiences and knowledge with others. You will create a personal portfolio via the badge tasks in order to record your learning experiences.The assessment of your evidence for your badge duties is done by Breakthrough youth workers.
Photo (C) by Kosygin Leishangthem
Tarea no.1
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Get to know Art
Badgecraft alberga esta plataforma y la desarrolla junto con organizaciones líderes educativas. El consorcio Europeo desarrolla esta plataforma con la cofinanciación del programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea.
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Cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea