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YOUMOBIL project - Welcome aboard

YOUMOBIL project - Welcome aboard

Welcome to your YOUMOBIL project experience. Since you have been selected to be part of this programme, you can now start your YOUMOBIL adventure. By now you should have been contacted by GOEUROPE! team and should have recieved more information, how does the project work, how you can recieve your ticket and what are the next steps. (If you didn´t, please contact GOEUROPE! team).
Now it is time to prepare yourself proper for your interrail experience with YOUMOBIL:
  1. Therefore start informing yourself aboout the YOUMOBIL project. (You will find the link to the website and the official poster below).
  2. Check the locations, which are part of the YOUMOBIL project and which you should visit. Keep in mind that you should visit at least 5 out of those 7 locations.
  3. Make a plan, how you can include those locations into your interrail journey. Check the videos listed below for tipps and tricks for interrail travellers.
Bevis bekreftet av: ett aktivitetsmedlem
Make a plan, how you can include those locations into your interrail journey. Check the videos listed below for tipps and tricks for interrail travellers. Share your plans here.
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YOUMOBIL project - Welcome aboard
YOUMOBIL - My interrail adventure
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