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National Stereotypes: Myth or Reality

National Stereotypes: Myth or Reality

What comes to your mind when you hear about France? That French wear berets, listen to accordion music and are the most romantic people in the world? Then congratulations, this is due to the stereotypes. Stereotypes about a national character are individually held beliefs regarding the psychological traits of world nations and cultures. Most often those stereotypes are based on distorted facts and do not correspond to reality. But this opinion has so spread throughout the world that it has become a deep-rooted stereotype, according to which we perceive the whole country and its culture. There are an incredible number of such stereotypes about different nationalities. Where do they come from? It still remains a mystery. But over time, these stereotypes turn not only into jokes, but become the image of the whole nation.Let’s meet via Zoom on April 28 at 17:00, discuss and share our life experiences about the most common stereotypes of different nations we came across in life and try to find out which ones are true.
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 675 288 4684
The meeting is going to be held in English by Gayane (Gaja), one of our Armenian volunteers. Gayane loves culture, languages, everything related to Tourism and is going to lead a cultural club.
Task no.1
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National Stereotypes: Myth or Reality
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