MOVE IT: EU youth programmes and mobility in a digital era

MOVE IT: EU youth programmes and mobility in a digital era

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This badge is for participation in a Digital Youth Mobility Lab to explore trends and inspiration during the MOVE IT online event on Youth mobility in the digital era.
This online lab focused on EU youth programmes and mobility in a digital era and explored status quo and what could be developed further. It included:
  • talks by experts: Manfred VON HEBEL, Deputy Director, JUGEND für Europa, Germany National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps (DE), Uroš SKRINAR, Director, Zavod MOVIT NA MLADINA (MOVIT), Slovenian National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps (SI), Guoda LOMANAITĖ, Head Jaunimo tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo agentūra (LT), Agency of International Youth Cooperation, Lithuanian National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corp (LT) and European Commission, representative TBC (EU)
  • questions and answers session
The international Network of Cities and Regions of Learning offered validation and recognition of learning using digital Open Badges.
Du musst 1 Aufgabe beenden, um den Badge zu erhalten
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
How do you imagine EU youth programmes and mobility in a digital era?
Einloggen und Mission starten
Aufgabe Nr. 2
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
What did you learn from participation in this session?
Einloggen und Mission starten


MOVE IT: EU youth programmes and mobility in a digital era
MOVE IT online event on Youth mobility in the digital era
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Ko-Finanziert durch das Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union