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GameOn: Partners kick-off meeting

GameOn: Partners kick-off meeting

This badge is issued to people who participated during a kick-off meeting of partners involved in a capacity-building project "Game On: Inclusion through educational game design".

The meeting includes:
  • getting to know people and partners involved
  • clarifying key tasks, responsibilities and contributions
  • reviewing overall project timeline, management, administration and finances
  • establishing the steering committee to coordinate the project
  • discussing and agreeing on activities of the upcoming months

This was a virtual meeting of partners hosted on Zoom and supported with using Google slides.

This project is part of the Cities of Learning collaboration by partners of Barcelona City of Learning, Cagliari Metropolitan City of Learning, Novi Sad City of Learning and Vilnius City of Learning. Partner organisations: Associazione Interculturale NUR (Italy), BalkanIDEA Novi Sad (Serbia), Idealudica (Spain), Nectarus (Lithuania), Nexes Interculturals de Joves per Europa (Spain) and Universitat de Barcelona (Spain).

Co-funded by EU Erasmus+.
Task no.1
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GameOn: Partners kick-off meeting
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