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Create a citybound

Creativity in Action Bound design

The holder of this badge has created and facilitated a Citybound.
Citybound is about sending participants out to meet the local people to make inspiring connections with them - they receive small tasks they need to complete with the inclusion of local people. These small tasks vary from volunteering, storytelling to having fun together. It is more about how they can create rapport and be together with local people in an intimate but playful way. 
During the creation of the citybound, you as facilitor can start recognising your entrepreneurial skills in the area ideas and opportunities from the Competence framework EntreComp. EntreComp identifies the competences that make some- one entrepreneurial. Within this badge the focus is on creativity, develop several ideas and opportunities to create value.

Entrepreneurship is a competence for life. Being crea-tive or thinking about how to do things in new ways is equally relevant to progressing your career or coming up with new business ideas.
Taking the initiative, mobilising others and getting them on board with your idea are useful skills when fundraising for your local sports team, or establishing a new social enterprise. Understanding how to put a plan into action and use finances wisely are relevant for your own life and for business planning in a small or medium-sized company (SME).
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Develop several ideas and opportunities to create value, including better solutions to existing and new challenges. Reflect on how you have designed your ideas and opportunities. Which value did you create? What were good solutions? Which challenges have you faced?
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Create a citybound
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