Ethical communication - Welcome

Ethical communication - Welcome

E-tick or ethical communication is a course on how to ethically look at the world. The course will teach you about how to see the world differently. You will go through 5 different courses you will start off by expanding your awareness, the powers we experience in our daily communication, global developing and volunteering, navigating the new media age and as the last and final step you will close the journey and go through what you have learnt through out the course. The course should take you about 16 hours to complete so take your time. When you end your course you will also receive a certificate of completing the course which you can use for you job hunting.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
To gain this badge complete the registration on the platform and send a photo of you completing all the task on welcome course.
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Ethical communication - Welcome
Ethical communication
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