Non-formal methods for teachers for self-confidence in digital world

Digital and Non-formal Methods Challenge VS Opportunity

Jums ir jāiegūst visas tālāk minētās nozīmītes
Participants explored technology transformation and Non-formal methods looking at possibilities to improve their lessons to support and collaborate with their students. Participants generate ideas about challenges and opportunities for their profession and students.

Jums jāpabeidz visi uzdevumi, lai iegūtu nozīmīti
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
How was your day? Summarize it in 3 key words.
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
What challenged you?
Task no.3
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Share ideas on how you could implement digital tools and non-formal methods with your students.


Non-formal methods for teachers for self-confidence in digital world
Badgecraft vada tīmekļa infrastruktūru mācību pilsētām un reģioniem. Eiropas konsorcijs palīdz attīstīties platformai ar līdzfinansējumu ES programmā Erasmus+
Mainīt valodu:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union