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Youth Pathways to Leadership Vol 3

Participation in Youth Pathways to Leadership Vol 3

The holder of this badge took part in the international training course Youth Pathways to Leadership Vol. 3.
This training is part of the long term project Cities of learning, youth co-design learning, civic and career pathways.

Young people from 18 to 30 years from Tilburg (Netherlands), Saxony Anhalt (Germany), Vilnius (Lithuania), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Cagliari Metropolitan (Italy), Novi Sad (Serbia), Lorca (Spain), and Tonsberg (Norway), have:
  • acquired leadership habits of finding your own voice
  • acquired skills needed to inspire other young people and policy makers
  • learned and practiced facilitation in person and in digital format
  • got involved in leading the process of co-creating Cities of Learning

The holder took part in an international training course from 9th until 16th of February 2022, Zoom meetings/workshops before and after the residential training, and local preparatory and follow-up meetings

Ecological centr Radulovački, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia

International youth work trainers have delivered the learning activities and issued this badge after witnessed growth in the above topics at the badge earner.
Task no.1
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#leadership principles
#advocate for others
#plan workshop activity
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