О нас
Your goals vs. Youth Goals: You are not alone!


Информация по бейджуПодтверждения
The holder of this badge has been working on shaping his/her clear vision and mission he/she wants to achieve, on understanding how his/her personal goals resonate with the Youth Goals and why is facilitation a dialogue activity important in relation to the Youth Goals?

This badge is part of the Youth Goals and the EU Youth Dialogue, which are a part of the EU Youth Strategy 2019–2027, which sets the direction of common youth policy throughout the EU.

The holder of this badge has worked independently at awareness/understanding/action at the importance of the facilitation process as a step to developing facilitation skills and methods.

How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in this badge. International youth workers have assessed the completed tasks.
Для получения бейджа необходимо завершить 1 задание
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Share the notes you took during Step 1. Clarify your vision and mission. Share your topic, goals and expectations.

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Задание номер 2
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Share the notes you took during Step 4. My goals vs Youth Goals
Login and start quest
Задание номер 3
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Share the notes you took during Step 5. Why is facilitation a dialogue activity important in relation to the Youth Goals?
Login and start quest

Категории интересов

Личное развитие
Гражданское участие
Глобальный мир
Международные и межкультурные


#personal development
#Global Youth Skill
#provide leadership
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Со-финансировано в рамках программы Erasmus+ Европейского Союза
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