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FUTURE SKILLS NOW #2 - Future Play

21st-century Learning Good Practices

Informații despre insignăValidări
The badge earner started a quest for future skills development within the Future Skills Now! online training programme. The learner participated in the interactive Zoom session focused on the following 21st century learning good practices:
  • #konnekt_egyesulet mentoring programme for young people to find their professional future path;
  • Youth Academy for personal development, workshops and training;
  • Photovoice methodology for identifying problems and making community action;
  • StudioLab that involves young people taking initiative and responsibility for organising community events;
  • using digital tools, platforms and apps to develop young people's digital skills.
Task no.1
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
Participate in the good practise sharing session. Optionally, post your impressions from learning about good practices:
  • What 21st-century skills do they help develop? Why these skills are important?
  • What have you learned and can transfer from these practices to your activities?


FUTURE SKILLS NOW #2 - Future Play
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