In the name of Coocoo!

In the name of Coocoo!

Being aware of your overall health is important so that you can detect any symptoms and seek professional help when necessary. While everyone is familiar with the symptoms and treatment options for common illnesses that affect their loved ones, like the flu, migraines, or and (most recently) COVID-19, many people are unsure how to look after their mental health.

Raising mental health awareness can help you to understand your symptoms, find professional treatment, and, perhaps most importantly, break the mental health stigma that leaves so many people suffering in secret.

Many people who have mental health conditions aren’t sure how to cope with their symptoms and resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms to push away their emotional discomfort.

During thie workshop "In the name of Coocoo!" we will raise awarness of mental health and share good practices among us which help us to reflect, dectect and better understand yourself and your needs.

While many of us feel more able to talk about our mental health and wellbeing, we are yet to see a big enough shift in the narrative around mental illness, particularly for some of the most stigmatised conditions and symptoms.

Don’t miss out on your chance to get involved!

Užduotis nr.1
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#Mental Health Promotion
#konsultuoti psichinės sveikatos klausimais
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