The recipient of this badge participated in the 10th Intercity Youth conference in Ljubljana (27th - 29th of June, 2022) and attended the seminar on the topic of YOUTH WORK IN LJUBLJANA - A CITY OF LEARNING, where he/she:
- Got to know the youth strategy of Ljubljana
- Participated in a group excercise, exploring the future of learning, working and comunities form differnet prespectives (youth, citiy, youth secotr and global world)
- Practiced her/his digital competences
- Explored the inititive "Cities of learning"
You have to finish 1 task to get the badge
Evidence verified by: 2 არის ამ აქტივობის ორგანიზატორი
Share your feelings about the seminar:
- What have you learnt?
- What open questions you might still have?
- Can you use this examples in your work?
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