Youth Forum in Magdeburg, Germany

Fun in sun/complain in the rain

Märgi informatsioonEndorsements
Learning happens in many ways, and a short break filled with informal learning opportunities can work wonders when you are part of a group.
The earner of this badge participated in a fun activities session and has actively worked on social skills aimed at improving social interaction in big groups.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Upload a picture from the games session
Task no.2
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Learn 3 names of participants you didn't interact with so far.


Youth Forum in Magdeburg, Germany
Badgecraft käitab veebi taristut Õppimise linnade ja regioonide jaoks. Euroopa konsortsium arendab seda platvormi kaasrahastusega Euroopa Liidu programmist Erasmus+.
Vaheta keelt:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union