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VR - Challenge yourself

VR - Challenge yourself

The holder of this badge took part in a Multiplayer and Social Virtual Reality (VR) with the aim to learn how to organise and facilitate Social Multiplayer VR Activities for young people

Content of the workshop
  1. Getting to know
  2. Explaination of the game 
  3. Play the game
  4. Reflection on the game: Why a good game, why not. Where is the social learning in it? What went well in facilitation? What needs to be done different next time? Did we face ethical challenges?
  5. Share the learning with others

Utstedt av arrangør eller skanning av WR-kode
  1. Participate in activity
  2. Why a good game, why not.
  3. Where is the social learning in it?
  4. What went well in facilitation?
  5. What needs to be done different next time?
  6. Did we face ethical challenges?
  7. Share the learning with others


#use virtual learning environments
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