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Podcast - what it is about and how to create one

Promoting nature

Having this badge means that you develop empathy towards the planet and show care for other species. You know the main parts of the natural environment and the close links and interdependence between living organisms and nonliving components.
By completing badge activities, you promote nature to foster a healthy relationship with the natural environment and ignite a feeling of connectedness.Earning this badge means that you:
  • know that our well-being, health and security depend on the well-being of nature;
  • can assess own impact on wildlife and consider the protection of nature an essential task for every individual;
  • care about a harmonious relationship existing between nature and humans.
This progress badge leads to the 'Embodying sustainability values' badge.
International partners consortium promotes and endorses sustainable learning and living through** #**GoGreen - Youth Navigator activities.
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Take part in sustainable learning and living activities. Think and share on the questions below:
  1. How does our well-being, health and security depend on the well-being of nature? Give 2-3 examples.
  2. What impact do you make on nature, and how do you protect it? Share 2-3 situations.
  3. How do you care about a harmonious relationship existing between nature and humans? Showcase 2-3 actions.You can write a text response, share photos, upload short audio or video, include files and other examples of your actions.
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Podcast - what it is about and how to create one
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