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Quarantine Local Multiplier in Spain

Quarantine Local Multiplier in Spain

QU.A.R.AN.T.I.N.E. – QUalitative Advanced Research ANd Training for Inclusion of Neets through Elettronic tools (Project Number: 2020-2-IT03-KA205-019431) is funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme (KA2 Strategic partnerships for youth).

The first main aim of the project was addressed to youth workers/organizations: to provide knowledge, competences and tools to improve the quality of “distance” youth work, both for emergency situations like the one in which we are living, and for other potential situations in which a “blended” approach could be useful.

The second main aim was addressed to the youth who suffer the consequences of isolation and social distance, especially NEETs and people with fewer opportunities, disability and geographical obstacles. The project aimed to motivate, to improve opportunities and to develop the empowerment of these young people in European Countries.

The international multiplier event will tackle the topics of Digital Youth Work, so the participants can discover a series of tools and competences to improve the quality of remote and / or blended youth work in shape of practical workshops managed by special guests. The event will be interesting for Youthworkers, NGOs coordinators, Youth leaders, Local stakeholders and active young people.
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#digital communications
#management of social media
#communicate with youth
#promote youth work in the local community
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