Inclusive game design

Game designer

This badge proves the active participation in creating a new table-top game during a series of Tools to Explore workshops on XVI Tool Fair in Marseille, France. The workshops were dedicated to exploration of inclusive power of game design and participants had a chance to try to design a game in small teams.
The owner of this badge successfully created a new game, which was played and tested during the final workshop.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
To claim this badge, you need to take a photo of the game you've created and upload it here.

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Inclusive game design
Badgecraft käitab veebi taristut Õppimise linnade ja regioonide jaoks. Euroopa konsortsium arendab seda platvormi kaasrahastusega Euroopa Liidu programmist Erasmus+.
Vaheta keelt:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union