A propos
Inclusive game design


This badge proves that the person holding it participated in playtesting the newly developed board games during Tools to Explore workshop about inclusive game design on Tool Fair 2022.
The holder of this badge played at least one game created by other participants of the workshop and gave a valuable feedback about it.
Tâche n°1
Preuve vérifiée par : un organisateur de l'activité
In order to claim this badge, you need to share here a few thoughts and impressions about the game you've tested.
It's important to write name of the game and a few sentences about it.
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Inclusive game design
Badgecraft héberge et développe cette plateforme avec les principaux organismes d'éducation. La première version de cette plateforme a été cofinancée par Erasmus +, programme de l'Union européenne. Contactez-nous à : support@badgecraft.eu .
Changer de langue:
Cofinancé par Erasmus+, programme de l'Union Européenne