Futures literacy

Having this badge means that you envision alternative sustainable futures by imagining and developing alternative scenarios and identifying the steps needed to achieve a preferred sustainable future.
By completing badge activities, you can create your visions for a sustainable future. You develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand the futures as a variety of alternatives.
By applying futures thinking you anticipate, prepare and invent as changes occur.Earning this badge means that you:
  • know the difference between expected, preferred and alternative futures for sustainability scenarios;
  • can envisage alternative futures for sustainability that are grounded in science, creativity and values for sustainability;
  • are aware that the projected consequences on self and community may influence preferences for certain scenarios above others.
This progress badge leads to the ‘Envisioning sustainable futures’ badge.
International partners consortium promotes and endorses sustainable learning and living through ‘#GoGreen - Youth Navigator’ activities.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Take part in sustainable learning and living activities. Think and share on the questions below:
  1. How can you explain the difference between expected, preferred and alternative futures for sustainability scenarios? Give a short explanation.
  2. Share 2-3 alternative futures scenarios for sustainability. Which scientific research, theory or model does support your ideas? What sustainable values do your scenarios connect with?
  3. How does your personal and community environmental situation affect your scenario choices?.You can write a text response, share photos, upload short audio or video, include files and other examples of your actions.
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį
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