Future Skills Now! - Future Strategy

Future Strategist

The badge earner participated in Future Skills Now - Future Strategy training and participated in the sessions on Future Scenarios and Future Learning Strategies.

During these sessions, participants have been learning and practising:
  • future thinking techniques;
  • future scenario making and presenting;
  • decision making in a simulation activity on a future city scenario to create a city learning strategy;
  • analysing real-life City of Learning strategies from Vilnius, Dutch Cities, Blackpool, Cluj-Napoca, Turin and Thessaloniki and gave feedback on these strategies;
  • Reflecting on their learning.

Cities of Learning partners have issued this badge to confirm that the badge earner participated in the training activities during the international training Future Strategies in Brezice, Slovenia, in 2022.

Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Participate in training sessions of Future Skills Now - Future Strategy: Future Scenarios and Future Learning Strategies. Optionally, reflect and share as evidence:
  1. Your future scenarios poster and your group's priorities for simulated city learning strategy.
  2. What was useful from participating in these activities?
  3. How can you use what you have learned in your practice?
  4. Share anything else from this experience.


Future Skills Now! - Future Strategy
Badgecraft vada tīmekļa infrastruktūru mācību pilsētām un reģioniem. Eiropas konsorcijs palīdz attīstīties platformai ar līdzfinansējumu ES programmā Erasmus+
Mainīt valodu:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union