Getting Connected

The holder of this badge joined the international training on Future Strategies and got familiar with:
  • other people involved in education, learning, youth work and business in Greece, The Netherlands, Lithuania, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, Romania and Italy;
  • the international project Future Skills Now!
  • the training programme Future Strategy
Cities of Learning partners have issued this badge to confirm that the badge earner participated in the training activities during the international training Future Strategies in Brezice, Slovenia, in 2022.
Task n.1
Emesso dall'organizzazione o scansionando il codice QR
Participate in training sessions of Future Skills Now - Future Strategy.
Optionaly, reflect and add as evidence your thoughts on:
  1. What was useful during getting to know and team-building activities?
  2. How can you use what you have learned in your practice?
  3. Anything else that you want to share and add about this experience.
Badgecraft gestisce questa piattaforma web e continua a svilupparla in partnership con organizzazioni leader nel settore dell'educazione. La prima versione di questa piattaforma è stata realizzata grazie ai cofinanziamenti del programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. Contattaci all'email
Co-finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea
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