Postcard From Blackpool

Postcard From Blackpool

The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 Tasks for Postcard From Blackpool activity which forms a part of the learning playlist Get Social. The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:
● Researched Blackpool’s history and shared how it started and what it has become.
● Identified some of the things that Blackpool is missing.
● Identified and shared a favourite place in Blackpool through words and a photograph.
● Identified challenges to meeting new people outside of work.
Completing these four tasks means demonstrating success in gaining the Postcard From Blackpool badge and they on their way to achieving the overall “Get Social’ badge.

Jūs turite užbaigti visas užduotis norint gauti ženkliuką
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
How did the Blackpool story start and what is Blackpool today?
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį
Užduotis nr.2
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Coming to a new country and town can be a challenge. Please share with us 3 things (not people or sunshine!) that you would like to bring to Blackpool if you could.
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį
Užduotis nr.3
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
As you get to experience the town and all it has to offer, please share with us your 3 favourite places or parts of the town and say why.
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį
Užduotis nr.4
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
What do you envisage the challenges to meeting and getting to know other people outside of working at Streetlife?
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį


#do history research
#carry out a research strategy
#share ideas
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