Explore the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers

ETS Resources Savy

This badge shows my knowledge about the useful resources linked to the European Training Strategy.
To get this badge, I explore some of the resources and reflected on the possible use of those resources in my youth work context (or beyond).

This badge is part of the badge portfolio on learning about the ETS Competence model. The activity was organised by the Centro de Juventude de Lisboa | Lisbon Youth Centre in cooperation with the SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: pats patvirtino
Share which of the resources was new to you. This task is based on the self-assessment. You will earn the badge after adding the evidence here.
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį


#Learning to learn
#Identifying and providing appropriate resources to support individual learning
#Fair sharing of tasks, resources and responsibility within a group taking into account its specific aim; eliciting the expression of different views and adopting a systemic approach
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