#GoGreen: “Annual festival - Sharing plants”

#GoGreen Individual Initiative “Annual festival - Sharing plants”

Badge earners watched a video interview with the Sporites Rodopi from Greece sharing their team's good practice of rescuing, preserving and freely disseminating traditional seeds from unprocessed varieties of open fertilisation. The goal is also the rebirth of our common heritage and the preservation of our plant biodiversity. They aim to help our local community to know these seeds, learn how to produce their own seedlings, grow them in their garden and most importantly KEEP them.
Having this badge means that you can identify your own potential for sustainability and actively contribute to improving prospects for the community and the planet.
#GoGreen - Youth Navigator partners selected this green practice to promote a sustainable future through responsible environmental behaviour.
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Selbstbestätigung
After watching this video about good practices, respond to the questions below:
  1. Describe 2-3 examples of similar actions that you implement to prevent damage to all life forms and nature.
  2. What do you do to achieve the goals explained in the video? Share 2-3 cases.
  3. How confident are you to implement similar sustainable changes?
You can write a text response, share photos, upload short audio or video, and include files and other examples of your actions.
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#Valuing sustainability
#Collective action
#Individual initiative
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