21st Century Skills Recognition for Adults in Cities and Islands of Learning

Welcome to 21st-century skills education

Badge InformationenBefürwortungen
This badge is awarded to people who showed interest in 21st-century skills education, assessment, validation and recognition. This badge proves that person have arrived to the event "21st Century Skills Recognition for Adults in Cities and Islands of Learning" and successfully completed registration.
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Augestellt durch die Organisatoren oder mittels QR Code
Arrive to the event and complete registration successfully.


21st Century Skills Recognition for Adults in Cities and Islands of Learning
Badgecraft betreibt diese Plattform und entwickelt sie zusammen mit Organisationen aus dem Bildungsbereich. Das EU Programm ERASMUS+ hat eine Ko-Finanzierung für die Entwicklung der ersten Version dieser Plattform gewährt. Kontakt support@badgecraft.eu.
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Ko-Finanziert durch das Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union