О нас
Training for Trainers on Facilitating Learning

Reflective Practitioner

Badge earners demonstrated skills of initiating and supporting self-reflection on learning.

To get this badge, trainers:
  • Completed self-assessment questionnaire on Reflective Practices and shared about the value and benefits of reflection in non-formal learning and trainers’ professional development.

Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers to work internationally.

Learning duration: 1 hour
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Complete two badge tasks and upload relevant results on the following:
  1. Use worksheet to make self-assessment on reflective practices and upload results
  2. Share your meaning, value and benefits of reflection in non-formal learning and trainers’ professional development.
Login and start quest


Training for Trainers on Facilitating Learning
The Power of Reflection in Training
Badgecraft размещает эту платформу и разрабатывает ее вместе с ведущими образовательными организациями. Программа Европейского Союза Erasmus+ выделила софинансирование для создания первой версии этой платформы. Свяжитесь с support@badgecraft.eu.
Изменить язык:
Со-финансировано в рамках программы Erasmus+ Европейского Союза
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