“Upgrade your Neigh- bourhood Brand your Town” 10 April - 15 May

“Upgrade your Neigh- bourhood Brand your Town” 10 April - 15 May

The main objectives of the program are clear both from its title and from its description. "Upgrade your Neighbour- hood Brand your Town" means changing - improving the neighborhood. Through non-formal learning activities and methods, our program will redefine the habits and needs of citizens (especially young people) in Komotini, underlin- ing the need to respect our environment. Absolute agreement, namely the two main priorities of our program, which are environment and youth policies.Concepts which are also included in the very word of the neighborhood that includes both geographically (place-ori- ented) and social (human-centered) components. The neighborhood is a word that describes a specific place where people live in a defined environment with similar needs and lifestyles. Moving within it, young people will redefine it, redefining themselves themselves by developing technical skills and knowledge about a multitude of environmen- tal and youth-related issues, focusing on the neighborhood itself.In the socially sensitive area of Komotini (there is no match with another region of Greece), with a large percentage of young people belonging to the group we call young people with fewer opportunities, the volunteers with fewer op- portunities from Greece, Tunisia and Ukraine will promote the interaction of young people in society and will culti- vate the idea that everyone deserves an opportunity to improve their skills and become active members and part of their local society, regardless of health status, age, gender, ethnicity, etc. Everyone has something to give and use as a tool by the Erasmus + programs, volunteers can reach the creation of a large and broad group will make a difference by bringing progress to the local community, helping the social cohesion which is so needed by the city.The service of volunteers on the one hand will give positive results to local communities and to young volunteers, as through their participation in community development they will give them somewhat the possibility of activation as well as the way to improve the community in which they live . Volunteers will have the opportunity to see an entire community change thanks to them. Focusing on our Digital Youth Centre, the support of the Municipality of Komotini, the assistance of the Rodopi secondary education directorate, the young people will have all the necessary support to achieve the program's objective and through the upgrading of the central neighborhoods of Komotini to build the city's brand name! This is one of the goals of this project, learning by doing through volunteers, and even in a different country, of the different opportunities for young people to participate in local communities.Above all we meet all the permanent priorities of the program in a combination that aims to improve the urban envi- ronment in which young people live. This main theme is not, however, the only priority that the program encounters. Of course, as a volunteer work program, it also highlights volunteering. Volunteers will learn again in practice the value and assistance that volunteering when organized can offer to a community. In addition, they will be able to translate the spirit of the volunteer both by their example and by their daily communication with young people - and not only - of Komotini.
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“Upgrade your Neigh- bourhood Brand your Town” 10 April - 15 May
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