Σχετικά με εμάς
Staying Safe

Staying Safe

Staying Safe
Comprehensive sexuality education aims to equip children and young people with knowledge, skills, and values necessary for healthy sexual development and respectful relationships, emphasizing inclusion, empathy, and autonomy. As young people increasingly engage with digital spaces for information on sexuality, educators must navigate the balance between leveraging the benefits of digital platforms while equipping them with critical skills to assess and navigate potentially harmful content, including pornography.
Πρέπει να ολοκληρώσετε τουλάχιστον 2 εργασίες για να λάβετε το σήμα
Αρ. Εργασίας 1
Τα στοιχεία επαληθεύτηκαν από: Ένας διαχειριστής έργου
Task Description:
- Read the Chapter: Staying Safe
- Define gender-based violence in 2-3 sentences.
- Submit.

Criteria for Completion:

Comprehensiveness: Your definition should encompass the various forms of violence and abuse discussed in the chapter, highlighting their connection to gender identity and roles.
Clarity: Ensure that your definition is clearly written and easy to understand.

Complete this task to demonstrate your understanding of gender-based violence as discussed in the chapter on Staying Safe.

Σύνδεση και εκκίνηση της αποστολής
Αρ. Εργασίας 2
Τα στοιχεία επαληθεύτηκαν από: Ένας διαχειριστής έργου
Task Description:
- Read the Chapter: Staying Safe
-Reflect on your understanding of continuous learning and professional development within the field of sex* education.
- Consider various ways you can actively seek out opportunities for continuous learning and professional development, such as attending conferences, workshops, webinars, and online courses, joining professional associations, participating in peer discussions and networking, and staying updated on new research, trends, and best practices through reading academic journals and following reputable organizations and experts in the field.
- Write a brief response (2-3 paragraphs) outlining the specific ways you plan to actively seek out opportunities for continuous learning and professional development within the field of sex* education. Describe how each method will help you stay updated.
- Submit

Criteria for Completion:
Comprehensiveness: Your response should encompass a variety of methods for continuous learning and professional development, demonstrating a proactive approach to staying updated on new research, trends, and best practices.
Relevance: Ensure that the methods you identify are relevant to the field of sex* education and aligned with your professional growth goals.

Complete this task to demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning and professional development within the field of sexual education, ensuring that you stay updated on new research, trends, and best practices.

Σύνδεση και εκκίνηση της αποστολής
Αρ. Εργασίας 3
Τα στοιχεία επαληθεύτηκαν από: Ένας διαχειριστής έργου
Task Description:
- Read the Chapter: Staying Safe
- Find or create a photo that represents your understanding of Healthy Relationships
- Write a brief description (2-3 sentences) explaining why you chose this photo and how it represents your understanding of healthy relationships.
- Submit

Criteria for Completion:
Relevance: The photo should represent characteristics or elements of healthy relationships as discussed in the chapter.
Explanation: Your description should effectively explain the connection between the photo and your understanding of healthy relationships, demonstrating insight and understanding.

Complete this task to demonstrate your understanding of healthy relationships as discussed in the chapter on Staying Safe.
Σύνδεση και εκκίνηση της αποστολής


Staying Safe
Birds & Bees: Sex* Education in Youth Work
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