International training on quality in badge recognition

Karaoke Night Star

Badge InformationenBefürwortungen
Awarded to the brave and talented participants who took the stage and shared their musical talents during Karaoke Night. Whether you dazzled the crowd with a power ballad, brought the house down with a classic hit, or had everyone singing along to a fun tune, your performance made the night unforgettable. Thank you for your courage, enthusiasm, and for making the event a harmonious success!

  • Participated in the Karaoke Night event by performing at least one song.
  • Demonstrated a positive and supportive attitude towards fellow performers.
  • Contributed to the overall fun and community spirit of the event.
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
  1. Participate in the Karaoke Night event by performing at least one song
  2. Demonstrate a positive and supportive attitude towards fellow performers
  3. Contribute to the overall fun and community spirit of the event
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#arrange creative performance
Badgecraft betreibt diese Plattform und entwickelt sie zusammen mit Organisationen aus dem Bildungsbereich. Das EU Programm ERASMUS+ hat eine Ko-Finanzierung für die Entwicklung der ersten Version dieser Plattform gewährt. Kontakt support@badgecraft.eu.
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Ko-Finanziert durch das Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union