

The main objectives are clear even from the title. "An Invitation to Act" means learn about refugees issues, and act as a community to their relief by supporting they welfare, social inclusion as well as raising the solidarity towards them in EU and not only.Our project will offer activities for the mental and physical well-being of refugees, their environmental awareness, their need to get socialised and be part of the community.

An Invitation to Act means changing - improving the healthy lifestyle, the green and social skills of 80 young refugees host in 2 structures of ISCD at Ioannina.Through non-formal learning activities and methods, our project redefines the habits and skills of our target group and focus on the need to respect our health and environment.

The volunteers who will host, will promote the interaction of young people in society and will cultivate the idea that everyone deserves an opportunity to improve their skills and become an active member and part of his/her local society, regardless of health status, age, gender, ethnicity, or other possible obstacles.Our volunteering teams will mostly have mixed workshops (students, minor refugees, youth) and open events so to promote the above-mentioned interaction.

Volunteers will have the opportunity to see ICSD structures' daily routine becoming green while supporting the healthy lifestyle of the youth living there.Above all we meet all the permanent priorities of the program in a combinationthataimstoimprovethesocietyinwhichdisadvantagedyoung people (refugees) live in.
Task no.1
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#refugee protection arrangements
#action environmental management plans
Badgecraft käitab veebi taristut Õppimise linnade ja regioonide jaoks. Euroopa konsortsium arendab seda platvormi kaasrahastusega Euroopa Liidu programmist Erasmus+.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union