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International Expert Seminar on Wider Badge Recognition

Badge landscape analyst

This badge is awarded for active participation in the session focused on analysing the challenges and opportunities of badge-based recognition practices during the International Expert Seminar on Wider Badge Recognition (21–22 Jan. 2025, Rotterdam). Badge earner demonstrated critical thinking and strategic insight by contributing to the identification and mapping of key issues and opportunities in the current badging landscape.
Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: odobreno
To earn this badge….
  • Take part in the session dedicated to analysing and mapping the challenges and opportunities of badging practices.
  • Collaboratively brainstorm and provide ideas on ways to address identified challenges and leverage opportunities.
  • Add evidence to this badge. It can be a summary of your contributions or upload a photo from your group contributions.

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Kategorije interesovanja

Internacionalno i interkulturalno


#Analyses learners’ strengths, weaknesses and learning opportunities
#analytical thinking
#skills to analyse badge-based recognition systems
Badgecraft drži i razvija ovu platformu sa vodećim obrazovnim organizacijama. Program Evropske unije Erasmus+ odobrio je sufinansiranje za izradu prve verzije ove platforme. Kontaktirajte support@badgecraft.eu.
Promenite na drugi jezik:
Kofinansirano kroz Erasmus+ program Evropske Komisije
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