Personal sustainability - Resources as the key to youth work

Personal sustainability - Resources as the key to youth wor

This badge certificate is a micro-certificate confirming that the person has completed the youth worker training with a focus on “Developing Personal Sustainability”.

The face-to-face training took place in Germany from 3 to 13 March 2025. The course participant carried out preparatory activities before the course and follow-up activities after the course. 80 working hours is the estimated time the learner invests to achieve the following learning outcomes:

Assessing one's own learning achievements and competencies; Applying appropriate methods and digital tools to assess and self-assess learning achievements; Recognizing and maintaining personal physical, emotional and mental resources for personal and professional growth; Strengthening professional resilience to maintain long-term commitment to youth work by applying strategies of stress management, self-care and sustainability,
Developing and implementing sustainable practices, workshops and programs emphasizing personal sustainability
and positive psychology; Promoting international cooperation; Strengthening sense of community and teamwork and cooperation skills and active participation.

The participant can choose a flexible learning path through non-formal training and informal learning activities. The learner can choose to demonstrate a selected number of learning outcomes for digital open badges required to obtain this badge certificate. Peer reviews supported participants' reflection and understanding of the learning outcomes. The course training team has reviewed and approved the badge evidence.

This certification is aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) Trainer Competence Model. The training organiser has approved the Erasmus+ accreditation to offer learning mobility for youth workers and trainers in accordance with the quality standards of EU funded mobility programmes in the youth field.

The National Agency for Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps in Germany has assessed the quality and approved the accreditation to carry out this training activity.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Complete the international training of youthworkers by earning a selected number of badge out of all offered activity badges.
Optional: Add any reflection or evidence of your learning outcomes in the digital competence area. You may also add any other relevant learning which enriches this badge certificate.


Personal sustainability - Resources as the key to youth work
A Badgecraft roda uma infra-estrutura web para Cidades e Regiões de Aprendizagem. O consórcio Europeu desenvolve esta plataforma com o co-financiamento do programa da União Europeia Erasmus+
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union