MuseuMap - get started! 🏛

MuseuMap - get started! 🏛



It’s time to create your gallery on the MuseuMap platform! Are you ready?

During this activitiy you can befriend the platform and have the possibility to create your own gallery.

Gallery of what? Well, a bit of debriefing about :
  • It is an aggregated platform using databases of museum objects from Hungarian museums! Sure you can find something catchy, funny, interesting from our huge collection, more than 450000 objects —> ALL IN ONE PLACE
  • You can save your favourite objects at your own gallery, and during this activity you can try yourself out!

Give it a go: navigate the platform, and get ready to let out your creative energy!
Maybe you can learn something about Hungarian culture, history, traditions, art, technology, science and many other topics, and you be able to share it with the world on social media…

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MuseuMap - get started! 🏛 Erhalte diesen Badge

It’s time to create your gallery on the MuseuMap platform! Are you ready?

During this activitiy you can befriend the platform and have the possibility to create your own gallery.

Gallery of what? Well, a bit of debriefing about MuseuMap:
  • It is an aggregated platform using databases of museum objects from Hungarian museums! Sure you can find something cathy, funny, interesting from our huge collection, more than 450000 objects —> ALL IN ONE PLACE
  • You can save your favourite objects at your own gallery, and during this activity you can try yourself out!

Give it a go: navigate the platform, and get ready to let out your creative energy!
Maybe you can learn something about hungarian culture, history, traditions, art, technology, science and many other topics, and you be able to share it with the world on social media…
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
  1. Befriend the platform
  2. Create your own gallery of Hungarian museum objects
  3. Share the link of your gallery

Optional: share more information on your choice of objects, and also the possible future use of your gallery!


#Neugierde und Interesse zeigen
#kreativ denken
#Geschichte unterrichten
Kreativität und Design
Zur Playlist hinzugefügt (0)
Zeit zur Vervollständigung: 25 Minuten

Ausführende Organisation

National Centre of Museological Methodology and Information
Badgecraft betreibt diese Plattform und entwickelt sie zusammen mit Organisationen aus dem Bildungsbereich. Das EU Programm ERASMUS+ hat eine Ko-Finanzierung für die Entwicklung der ersten Version dieser Plattform gewährt. Kontakt support@badgecraft.eu.
Ko-Finanziert durch das Erasmus+ Programm der Europäischen Union
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