
Magic Club Peer Educator Review

Blackpool FY1 2PZ, UK

Magic Club Peer Educator Review

Blackpool FY1 2PZ, UK


This is your chance to reflect and review your development as a Peer Educator, ask for and consider feedback and suggest advice for future Peer Educators at the Magic Club.

Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

Magic Club Peer Educator Review Erhalte diesen Badge

The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks for this playlist activity ‘Magic Club Peer Educator Review’ as part of the Peer Educators Induction Playlist which includes:
● Identified and recognised their strengths and weaknesses as a peer educator.
● Asking for feedback from a colleague and responding appropriately to it.
● Asking for feedback from young people they have worked with and responding appropriately to it.
● Reflected and thought about advice for new peer educators.
● Received a personal appraisal of them as a peer educator.

The holder of this badge has researched, shared and provided evidence that demonstrates a greater understanding of their own development, received feedback and responded appropriately to it, and considered advice for new peer educators.
Completing this activity is one out of six required activities and a part of the Magic Clubs Peer Educators Induction Playlist.

Aufgabe Nr. 1
Augestellt durch die Organisatoren oder mittels QR Code
Task 1: From your initial experiences as the Magic Club, what do you now identify as your strengths and weaknesses?
Aufgabe Nr. 2
Augestellt durch die Organisatoren oder mittels QR Code
Task 2: Ask one of the team you work with for some written feedback on you as a Peer Educator. Share the feedback and then your response to the feedback.
Aufgabe Nr. 3
Augestellt durch die Organisatoren oder mittels QR Code
Task 3: Ask one of the young people you work with for some written feedback on you as a Peer Educator. Share the feedback and then your response to the feedback.
Aufgabe Nr. 4
Augestellt durch die Organisatoren oder mittels QR Code
Task 4: What advice would you give to someone just about to start their Peer Educator role at the club?

*At the end of the 3 months a member of the team will write you an appraisal that will include:

Reliability & Punctuality:-.

Relationships with other colleagues:-

Relationships with members:-

Evidence of initiative:-


Areas for development:-


Blackpool FY1 2PZ, UK


#Feedback verwalten
#receive feedback
#give advice
Zur Playlist hinzugefügt (1)

Ausführende Organisation

Magic Club

In Playlisten verwendet

Peer Educators Induction Playlist
Magic Club
Erstellt auf Blackpool City of Learning
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