
Partnership building


Partnership building



Strategic partnerships with other organizations can be vital to the success of your organization’s goals and initiatives. Recognizing the importance of partnerships is not difficult, but understanding how to build those partnerships is critical. Partnerships with other organizations take time and effort, but if managed well, they can help your organization achieve its goals more effectively and with fewer resources.

This chapter provides information to bolster your organization’s understanding of the diverse types of partnerships. It also provides guidance on how to identify potential partner organizations, negotiate and build strategic partnerships, and maintain these partnerships in a way that is mutually beneficial to both parties.

Strateška partnerstva z drugimi organizacijami so lahko ključnega pomena za uspeh ciljev in pobud vaše organizacije. Zavedanje pomembnosti partnerstev ni težko, vendar je ključnega pomena razumevanje, kako ta partnerstva vzpostaviti. Partnerstva z drugimi organizacijami zahtevajo čas in trud, vendar lahko ob dobrem upravljanju pomagajo vaši organizaciji, da učinkoviteje in z manj sredstvi doseže svoje cilje.
V tem poglavju so na voljo informacije, ki bodo vaši organizaciji pomagale razumeti različne vrste partnerstev. Zagotavlja tudi navodila, kako prepoznati potencialne partnerske organizacije, se pogajati o strateških partnerstvih in jih vzpostaviti ter vzdrževati na način, ki je v obojestransko koristen za obe strani.


Strateško partnerstvo s drugim organizacijama može biti ključno za uspjeh ciljeva i inicijativa vaše organizacije. Prepoznavanje važnosti partnerstva nije teško, ali je ključno razumjeti kako izgraditi ta partnerstva. Partnerstva s drugim organizacijama zahtijevaju vrijeme i trud, ali ako se njima dobro upravlja, mogu pomoći vašoj organizaciji da postigne svoje ciljeve učinkovitije i s manje resursa.
Ovo poglavlje pruža informacije koje će poboljšati razumijevanje vaše organizacije o različitim vrstama partnerstava. Također pruža smjernice o tome kako identificirati potencijalne partnerske organizacije, pregovarati i izgraditi strateška partnerstva te održavati ta partnerstva na način koji je obostrano koristan za svestrane.


Parteneriatele strategice cu alte organizații pot fi cruciale pentru succesul obiectivelor și inițiativelor organizației dumneavoastră. Recunoașterea importanței parteneriatelor nu este dificilă, însă înțelegerea modului în care acestea pot fi create este esențială. Parteneriatele cu alte organizații necesită timp și efort, dar, dacă sunt bine gestionate, vă pot ajuta organizația să-și atingă obiectivele mai eficient și cu mai puține resurse.
Această secțiune oferă informații pentru a vă ajuta organizația să înțeleagă diferitele tipuri de parteneriate. De asemenea, oferă îndrumări cu privire la modul de identificare a organizațiilor partenere potențiale, de negociere a parteneriatelor strategice și de stabilire și menținere a acestora într-un mod reciproc avantajos.


  • Engaging your community

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Partnership building Erhalte diesen Badge

Strategic partnerships with other organizations can be vital to the success of your organization’s goals and initiatives. Recognizing the importance of partnerships is not difficult, but understanding how to build those partnerships is critical and this is what participants learned here. Partnerships with other organizations take time and effort, but if managed well, they can help your organization achieve its goals more effectively and with fewer resources.
This badge confirms attendants are able to bolster their organization’s understanding of the diverse types of partnerships. It also provides guidance on how to identify potential partner organizations, negotiate and build strategic partnerships, and maintain these partnerships in a way that is mutually beneficial to both parties.

Du musst 1 Aufgabe beenden, um den Badge zu erhalten
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
A partnership is strategic when it provides your organization with the means and methods for advancing your mission. Strategic partnerships can later develop into stakeholder groups that can leverage greater influence in reaching elected officials and policymakers. Civic leaders, policymakers and other key influencers tend to have priorities that organizations can leverage to underscore the urgency of improving programs and services.

At the page 19 of this publication: https://publications.jsi.com/JSIInternet/Inc/Common/_download_pub.cfm?id=14333&lid=3 assess readiness of your organization for building strategic partnerships.
  • Explain where you have challenges and how to overcome them.

Aufgabe Nr. 2
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität

  • Describe which tool / activity can be implemented into your organization partnership building.


#Building on resources and opportunities from partnerships to increase quality and impact of the project, both offline and online
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