
Europe Rally through the European Youth Educational Centre Magdeburg (EJBM)

Lüttgen-Ottersleben 18A, 39116 Magdeburg, Germany
Panorama generalInsignias

Europe Rally through the European Youth Educational Centre Magdeburg (EJBM)

Lüttgen-Ottersleben 18A, 39116 Magdeburg, Germany


During the digital Europe Rally through the European Youth Educational Centre Magdeburg, the participants playfully get to know Villa Böckelmann. In addition to discovering the building and the surrounding grounds, the players learn more about the European Union, "Possibilities to go abroad" and the history and current activities of the house.

Consigue la insignia de actividad

Europe Rally through the European Youth Educational Centre Consigue esta insignia

Congratulations! You have taken part in the rally through the European Youth Education Centre Magdeburg and you are about to reach the final destination. To get to the final of the tour you have to solve the following tasks. By answering the questions, you evaluate the rally and help us to optimize it. There is also another hint hidden in the tasks. This is not important for this task, but will help you in the final!
Tiene que terminar todas las tareas para conseguir la insignia
Tarea no.1
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
How did you like the Europe Rally through the EJBM so far?
Tarea no.2
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
Were the questions and tasks too easy or too difficult? Do you have a favourite task?
Tarea no.3
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
Were the questions and tasks understandable? If not, what was the problem?
Tarea no.4
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
What would you change in the rally if you could? What can be improved?
Tarea no.5
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
What is the short form of the European Youth Education Centre Magdeburg (in German)? Type it in.
(Note for the final: J=1; E=M=3; B=0)


Lüttgen-Ottersleben 18A, 39116 Magdeburg, Germany


#fomento del espíritu de equipo
#géneros de juegos digitales
#desarrollar materiales educativos digitales
Digital competence
Añadido a la lista de reproducción (2)
Tiempo para completar: 1 hora 30 minutos



Utilizado en las listas de reproducción

Europa-Team 2020
Creado en Entdecke Deine Möglichkeiten im Ausland
GOEUROPE! - BotschafterInnen 2020
Creado en Entdecke Deine Möglichkeiten im Ausland
Badgecraft alberga esta plataforma y la desarrolla junto con organizaciones líderes educativas. El consorcio Europeo desarrolla esta plataforma con la cofinanciación del programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea.
Cambiar a otro idioma:
Cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea