
Digital trends in youth work


Digital trends in youth work



In this chapter you will learn more about digital trends in youth work. You will be able to find resources for understanding and better approach youth communities:
  • what digital tools the target group is using,
  • what is the best method of disseminating the material resources
  • what is the advantage of apps, games, platforms most often used by young people so that youth workers understand the digital trends so that they can reach young people more easily
  • how to transfer knowledge through apps and youth language
  • tools for gamification, adjusting social media tools to make training materials more appealing to young people (the idea of a game used by young people for example, gamers);
  • JAMBOARD - how to use the digital whiteboard. Examples of activities: working with stickers on a flipchart, on sections; how to organize a virtual public café and transfer the results/the information
  • STORING tool – storing data in the cloud and drives where it is more accessible
  • How to integrate Kahoot & Cava in youth work.


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In this chapter you will learn more about digital trends in youth work. You will be able to find resources for understanding and better approach youth communities:
  • what digital tools the target group is using,
  • what is the best method of disseminating the material resources
  • what is the advantage of apps, games, platforms most often used by young people so that youth workers understand the digital trends so that they can reach young people more easily
  • how to transfer knowledge through apps and youth language
  • tools for gamification, adjusting social media tools to make training materials more appealing to young people (the idea of a game used by young people for example, gamers);
  • JAMBOARD - how to use the digital whiteboard. Examples of activities: working with stickers on a flipchart, on sections; how to organize a virtual public café and transfer the results/the information
  • STORING tool – storing data in the cloud and drives where it is more accessible
  • How to integrate Kahoot & Cava in youth work.
Märgi saamiseks tuleb lõpetada 1 ülesanne
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Read the publication: https://www.youthlink.scot/wp-content/uploads/YouthLink-Scotland-Cyber-Resilience-Survey-Results.pdf

  • What do you believe is most relevant for your work?
  • Where do you think your national reality is very different from the Irish?

Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
How to set safe digital environment for youth work: https://digitalyouthwork.scot/how-to-create-safe-spaces-for-digital-youth-work/

  • Explain, how would you apply this to your organization: what needs to be done, to follow this article?

Task no.3
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Some of the tools to keep younge people awake during activities are listed here: https://learning.uic.edu/resources/other-edtech-apps/

  • Select 2 of them and briefly explain how they can be used in your work.
  • Explain two advantages and 2 disadvantages for one of selected two from your perspective.


#Creatively using digital technology
Karjäär ja valmidus tööks
Lisatud esitusloendisse (1)
Time to complete: 45 minutit


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You(th)App training for youth workers
Zavod Nefiks
Created on Ljubljana City of Learning
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union