On behalf of the team of Cities and Regions of Learning, in the framework of Erasmus+ KA2 project Connected Cities of Learning, we are glad to invite you to participate in the international training activity Cities of Learning: Connected.
The initiative introduces two online platforms called Cagliari Metropolitan City of LearningandLjubljana City of Learning. By using the platforms, young people and learners can easily search through numerous learning programs based on their interests in their cities and get recognition for their non-formal learning achievements through digital badges, while learning providers can make their offer more visible to their target audiences, organise their activities in unique learning pathways and certify achievements and competences with a digital and flexible tool.
The training course serves as an opportunity for organisations from Cagliari and Ljubljana to learn more about the plaftorm, all its features and how to make the most of it, to examine and analyze the needs of young people in their cities and understand how the platform and badges could benefit them, and also as an opportunity for networking and creating new synergies.
Within the training course, there will be an open public event (on May 20th) for interested stakeholders, learning providers and other parties, where participants will be able to get acquainted with the project team, the planned activities and the end results, as well as learn more about how some of the local partners from Cagliari are using digital badges in their own work in various learning contexts.
This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
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New to our platform? You don’t know where to look?
Don’t panic, we’ve got you covered!
There are many resources to be able to learn the basics of how our platform works and how to make the most of it, and through this activity you’ll be able to learn more about:
How to register as a user and how to register your organisation(s)
The main features of the platform and how to navigate through it: the map, the dashboard and menu, the search field, notifications and settings, differences between user account and organiser account
Platform activities
Digital badges and certificates
Learning playlists
Take a look at these videos to learn more about the very foundations of our platform: activities, badges and learning playlists!
And through it all, if you’re ever in doubt, the platform Help Centre is there to help you find answers to all the questions you may have about using the platform, both as a user and as an organiser.
The holder of this badge has participated in the international training course Cities of Learning: Connected, organised in Cagliari by Associazione Interculturale Nur and the Metropolitan City of Cagliari from May 16th to May 21st 2022 in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 project Connected Cities of Learning, and has completed the activity “Platform basics”.
Participants learned about:
How to register to the Cities of Learning platform: user and organiser accounts
Main features of the platform and how to navigate through it: the map, the dashboard and menu, the search field, notifications and settings
Badgecraft isännöi tätä alustaa ja kehittää sitä yhdessä johtavien koulutusorganisaatioiden kanssa. Euroopan unionin Erasmus+ -ohjelmasta myönnettiin osarahoitusta tämän foorumin ensimmäisen version rakentamiseen. Ota yhteyttä support@badgecraft.eu.