This is the map of the learning journey of the Trainer Assistants of the Hungarian NGO, the Academy of Experience.
This map provides you an opportunity to:
- have and overview of the possible learning opportunities offered by the organization
- see what learning opportunitites are recommended by the organization (organized by others)
- follow your learning on programs as assistant trainer
Suoritettavat aktiviteetit
Suorita seuraavat toimet, ansaitse merkkejä ja näet soittolistan edistymisen päivitettynä
Completing the mandatory online course about safeguarding
Hanki aktiviteetti-merkki
Sinun täytyy saada kaikki merkit alla olevasta listasta
Completing the mandatory online course about safeguarding
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
Share what is the most important learning about safeguarding for you from the courses you took.