Su di noi

Look, Listen, Feel, Smell, Taste


Look, Listen, Feel, Smell, Taste



What to do:Be a visitor to art. Visit at least 1 art event, this can be an exhibition, theater, literature reading, poetry, concert, etc. Think about whether you liked it, what you think about the quality of the art event and the art itself. Discuss your opinion effectively with others.This is an activity that you can perform independently or with a group of friends.

Ottieni badge per l'attività

Look, Listen, Feel, Smell, Taste Ottieni questo badge

The owner of this badge has taken part in an art event as a visitor. This could be an exhibition, theater, literature reading, poetry, concert, etc. The quality of the art event and the art piece was considered by the earner of this badge. This opinion has been effectively discussed with others.
Devi completare tutte le attività per ottenere il badge
Task n.1
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
Visit at least 1 art event, this can be an exhibition, theater, literature reading, poetry, concert, etc. Describe the event.
Task n.2
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
After visiting the event, think about whether you liked it, what you think about the quality of the art event and the art itself. Describe your opinion.
Task n.3
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
Discuss your opinion effectively with others. These others can be friends, a teacher, parents. You can determine with whom. Describe how you approached the conversation.


#creative thinking
#discuss artwork
Arte e cultura
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Eastern Cape Region of Learning

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Get to know Art
Eastern Cape Region of Learning
Creato su Eastern Cape Region of Learning
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Co-finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea