Creative Leadership Project

Springfield Rd, Blackpool FY1 1QL, UK

Creative Leadership Project

Springfield Rd, Blackpool FY1 1QL, UK


The first step is identifying what skills and qualities arts leaders have. Think about examples of good leadership that you and others have experienced. Explore your own leadership skills and assess your leadership style.

Next you will plan and deliver an arts project, providing details of the project, why you have chosen it, and what its creative aims for yourself and the people who will take part.

Here you can find two links to online leadership assessments that might help you in your preparation.

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Creative Leadership Project Gauk šį ženkliuką

The first step is identifying what skills and qualities arts leaders have. Think about examples of good leadership that you and others have experienced. Explore your own leadership skills and assess your leadership style.

Next you will plan and deliver an arts project, providing details of the project, why you have chosen it, and what its creative aims for yourself and the people who will take part.

Here you can find two links to online leadership assessments that might help you in your preparation.
Jūs turite užbaigti visas užduotis norint gauti ženkliuką
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
My Leadership and My Leadership Project
Share your understanding of what good leadership means to you, what you found out about yourself from the online leadership assessments and highlight the leadership skills you wish to improve and develop as part of this project.

Užduotis nr.2
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Write or record a detailed description of your Creative Leadership Project. Think about what the aims are, the purpose, scope and intended outcomes?
Užduotis nr.3
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Clearly explain what your leadership role is within the project and how it will support the development of your leadership skills? (If you’re working as part of a team, think about how each of your roles are different. How do each role connect and who is leading on what?)


Springfield Rd, Blackpool FY1 1QL, UK



#take on a leadership role
Menas ir kultūra
Pridėjo į grojaraštį (1)
Laikas pabaigti: 1 diena


The Electric Sunshine Project
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