Let’s celebrate Star Wars Day!
Think Forward created this playlist so everyone who loves Star Wars can have fun and celebrate this day with us. This playlist will allow you to test your creativity, focus and knowledge and of course resistance against the dark side of the Force. May the fourth be with you!
Baigti renginius
Atlikite šias veiklas, gaukite ženkliukus ir pamatysite grojaraščio progresą
This is your chance to discover your inner Jedi, feel the full force of your creativity as well as your search and find potential!
Gauk veiklos ženkliuką
This is your chance to discover your inner Jedi, feel the full force of your creativity as well as your search and find potential!
Jūs turite užbaigti visas užduotis norint gauti ženkliuką
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Discover your Jedi traits and personality take this quiz to see which Jedi are you. Write your results! Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Build your creative Jedi potential and create a Yoda origami. Here are the instructions. Take a photo of your paper Yoda and upload it! Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Search and rescue missions to find and protect Grogu, do you accept the two missions? Follow the link to these pictures here and here. Upload two screenshots circling the solution!