
GameOn: išlaisvinkite žaidimų kūrimo galią su GameOn mokymais


GameOn: išlaisvinkite žaidimų kūrimo galią su GameOn mokymais



Leiskitės į jaudinančią mokymosi ir atradimų kelionę su "GameOn" partneryste! Pasinerkite į vietinius ir tarptautinius mokymus, kurių tikslas - padėti jums ugdyti įtraukaus žaidimų kūrimo kompetencijas.

Ženkite penkis žingsnius į sėkmę: Atraskite sėkmingo mokymų modulio kūrimo paslaptis vadovaudamiesi mūsų penkių žingsnių metodu. Sužinosite viską, ką reikia žinoti, kad jūsų mokymų modulis taptų hitu - nuo mokymosi tikslų nustatymo iki testavimo su skirtingomis tikslinėmis grupėmis!

Prisijunkite prie tarptautinės mokymų bendruomenės: Dalyvaukite tarptautiniuose mokymų kursuose ir žaidimų kūrimo ekspertų seminaruose. Pasisemkite idėjų, kaip kurti ir įgyvendinti vietinę ir tarptautinę mokymų veiklą, ir mokykitės iš geriausių šios srities specialistų.

Tapkite įtraukties čempionu: su "GameOn" komanda tikime, kad kuriant žaidimus reikia skatinti įtrauktį, dalyvavimą ir kritinį mąstymą. Pasisemkite įkvėpimo iš mūsų žaidimų veiklų sąrašo ir atskleiskite visą savo kūrybinį potencialą.

Jūsų paslaugoms - ekspertai partneriai: "GameOn" partnerystė vienija geriausius ir ryškiausius žaidimų kūrimo bendruomenės atstovus. Mokykitės iš "Nexes", "Idealúdica", Barselonos universiteto, "BalkanIdea Novi Sad", "Nectarus" ir "Associazione Interculturale NUR".

Dalinai finansuojama pagal Europos Sąjungos programą Erasmus+: todėl galite prisijungti prie mūsų šioje neįtikėtinoje mokymosi ir atradimų kelionėje, nesirūpindami dėl išlaidų.

Šiame mokymosi grojaraštyje susipažinkite su "Įtraukaus žaidimų kūrimo" mokymo koncepcijomis ir praktika.

Baigti renginius

Atlikite šias veiklas, gaukite ženkliukus ir pamatysite grojaraščio progresą
GameOn: Inclusive Game Design - A Gamified Training Experience by Nexes team
Nežinoma trukmė
Peržiūrėti visą veiklą


Step into the innovative world of inclusive game design with the Nexes team's advanced training programme! Envision yourself designing a training programme that encourages critical thinking and inclusiveness or participating and learning to create games that foster these crucial values.

Meet the Participants
We partnered with the Educational Resource Centre (CRP-Les Corts) for the first training module, attended primarily by high school teachers. The second training programme saw a diverse group of youth workers and non-formal educators from the Escoltes Catalanes scout organisation.

Interactive and Engaging Format
Both five-day training programmes were in-person and highly interactive, allowing participants to engage with their peers and learn in real-time.

Inclusion in the Focus
On day one, our team introduced the concept of inclusiveness and explored it from theoretical and practical perspectives. Throughout the game design process, participants focused on critical thinking and inclusiveness competences, taking time to reflect and self-evaluate their progress. On the final day, the group analysed the game design process from an inclusion standpoint and shared their strategies for promoting inclusiveness.

Gamification Brings Excitement
Our team gamified the training programme to make the learning experience more compelling. Inspired by the game "Down Force" by Rob Daviau, we designed a game structure (theme, mechanics, point system, etc.) seamlessly integrated into the training content. Participants collected Speed cards, bet on the winning car, and kept track of their progress with score sheets.

Positive Feedback from Participants
The participants gave overwhelmingly positive feedback, finding the game design process engaging and valuable. While some felt that the inclusion perspective wasn't fully integrated, all appreciated the gamification inspired by the Down Force game and the benefits of dividing the game design process into 1-hour timeslots.

In Partnership with GameOn
Nexes (ES) delivered and shared these training modules in the frame of the international partnership "GameOn" in collaboration with expert partners from Nectarus (LT), Idealúdica (ES), Universitat de Barcelona (ES), and Associazione Interculturale NUR (IT), BalkanIdea Novi Sad (SR).
GameOn is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Join the Movement
Don't miss out on immersing yourself in inclusive game design and training. Create new training opportunities to promote game design, participation, and critical thinking for all!

The Nexes team wrote the original text about their training practice. Then, we used ChatGPT to improve the text, which the team finally copyedited before publishing.
Cover image:


  • Download Nexes game design training programme

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Nexes badge: Inclusive Game Design Training Gauk šį ženkliuką

Congratulations on gaining insights into the Nexes team's inclusive game design training approach!

By exploring their example, you have learned about different training ideas and activities that can be applied to your context.

You've learned about the training process for inclusive game design. You have ideas on how to use speed cards, score sheets, and unique cards to keep to gamify learning, track progress and encourage group collaboration.

You gained an understanding of the potential impact of gamification in training and the benefits of incorporating a focus on inclusion.

This knowledge can help you to facilitate similar training activities with your own groups and promote a more inclusive learning environment through game design training.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: pats patvirtino
Familiarise yourself with the training module example presented by the Nexes team. Think and respond to the following questions:
  1. Which training ideas and activities seem suitable for your context?
  2. Which training programme sessions can you replicate in your training activities?
Add anything else that inspires you in this training example.


Barcelona, Spain
GameOn: Empowering Inclusion with Game Design Training by Nectarus Team
Nežinoma trukmė


#deliver training
#vertinti mokymą
#organising training
#providing training
#deliver training
#vertinti mokymą
#training delivering
#evaluating training
#providing training
#organising training
Renginiai: 4
Pradėta: 9
Pabaigė grojaraštį: 0


GameOn - Game Design for Inclusion
Badgecraft palaiko šią platformą ir plėtoja ją kartu su pagrindinėmis švietimo organizacijomis. Europos Sąjungos programa Erasmus+ dalinai finansavo pirmosios platformos versijos sukūrimą. Susisiekite su mumis support@badgecraft.eu.
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Dalinai finansuojamas iš Europos Sąjungos programos Erasmus+